The Wonderful Scotland Travel

1. The amazing Dunnottar Castle

From @sadieellenorgrace

2. St Conans Kirk, Loch Awe

From @fayazey

3. Eilean Donan Castle at dawn

From @m.visuals

4. The Wallace Monument

From @charles.mcguigan

5. Castle Campbell disappearing into the low cloud

From @jj_perks

6. Glencoe, Highland, Scotland

From @backpack_aprilpaul

7. Castle Stalker

From  @nicole.mari.k

8. Ardvreck castle, Assynt. Here is said to be the home to two ghosts.

Ardvreck castle is said to be the home to two ghosts.

One is seen as a tall men dressed all in grey and appears standing within the tower staring blankly at the ground, and thought to be the ghost of the Marquee of Montrose who I wrote about previously as being betrayed and taken captive here.

The next ghost is that of a young girl and has quite a legend behind her. The story goes that when the MacLeod clan was in charge of the area they made a deal with the devil the help them build their castle there. In exchange for the Devils help he required a daughter of the clan's chieftain as payment, which the chieftain accepted.

Maybe dating these days isn't so bad after all.

From @danchristie_24

9. Castle Rock (Edinburgh), sunrise is the best moment at here

From @edinburgh.eye

10. St Conans Kirk, Loch Awe

From @ines_minelli

11. Glenfinnan Viaduct, with bird eye view


12. Unforgettable Orcas at Cantick last August. How wonderful

From @cantick_head

13. Scott Monument, East Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh.

The Scott Monument is a Victorian Gothic monument to Scottish author Sir Walter Scott. It is the second largest monument to a writer in the world after the José Martí monument in Havana.

Love The Scott Monument and Princes Street Gardens! One of my favourite places in the city! Already looks a bit autumnal but so beautiful!


14. Teatime in Peebles, the sun just dipping away, and the heather at its peak

From @becky_70_

15. Something magical about Edinburgh during the Fringe this year, after a couple of years not running as normal.

From @guideto_edinburgh

16. The wonderful Edinburgh at dawn

From @samisrt

17. The perfect reflection at Dunnottar Castle

From @andrewleinsterphoto

18. A dramatic coastline along the West Side of Burra, showing Minn Beach, and Kettla Ness

From @gazb159

19. St Mary & St Finnan Church in a gloomy day

From @gord.cook

20. Where the mist meet the mountain

From @discovermyscotland

21. A beautiful coastline, at Uig, Lewis

From @camper_and_camera

22. Places to visit in Scotland part two, with videos

From @ontheroadagaintravels

23. A beautiful castle next to the lake, at Eilean Donan Castle

From @kgraingerwanders

24. The beautiful Kilchurn Castle, at Scotland

From @jamesalroca