What Is The Virada Cultural Festival? Embark and Feel!

Sao Paulo is the state hosting a non-stop event lasting 24 hours. During that day, people enjoy different cultural activities. That's the Virada Cultural Festival. What is the Virada Cultural Festival?

Have you ever heard of the Virada Cultural Festival? What is the Virada Cultural Festival? Well, this is a big festival in Brazil for those who are excited to discover the local culture.

Dancing, lively music, films, plays, art exhibitions, and other performance activities are hosted for 24 hours only. Yup, this is an immense event that you want to add to the wish list.

About Virada Cultural Festival

What is the Virada Cultural Festival? This is the largest cultural festival in the world. It happens in 24 hours in Sao Paulo.

Each May, locals, and visitors could indulge in numerous shows such as art exhibits, live music concerts, etc. Other local performances will occur at that time. These days, Virada Cultural is a huge public event with more than 5 million attendees.

This is a mega event in Sao Paulo. The increase of people taking part in the event is evidence that the Virada Cultural Festival is a giant. Additionally, there are over 250 venues and more than 12000 attractions take place around the city.

The event allows us to understand everything in this State – from films to plays. Although it takes 24 hours only, you might feel like you are living in a city in Europe. People stroll around, having fun together, and enjoying the safe moment.

The traditional music of Brazilians

Music is one of the most popular keystones in art in Brazil. Samba is similar to local culture. Other genres are bossa nova and seranejo. Due to unique beats, some musicians added extra genres like pop and rap. Then, they make something different for Brazilians.


Samba comes from Africa, but it widely develops in Brazil. Today, samba is a beautiful symbol of Brazilians in culture and art. Because of the economic development, the radio and records also explode.

Not only professional, but samba also increases in a lot of new sub-genres. Several of which are different from the origins, hills in Rio de Janeiro, for instance. Samba is established by music lovers and made it a solid foundation in the Brazilian music industry.



What kinds of instruments do musicians choose? It could be percussion (Tamborim, Surdo, Pandeiro, Ganza, and Cuica), classical guitars, and Cavaquinho. I just name a few. Sub-genres are also diverse such as Agogô, Atabaque, Bandolim, Banjo, Chocalho, Hand-require, trumpet, and Tan-tan.

Samba has many dance styles, so no one can identify the origin. This is the unique point of Samba dancing in Brazil. Ballroom Samba is another main style confirmed by Brazilians.

Rap and hip-hop movement

The rap and hip-hop movement was born in the 1980s. The favelas of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo were the first places of creating rap. Lyrics display all of the social issues such as crime, police brutality, etc. No one thinks that rap comes from a poor place like that.


Originating from the Northeast, Forro is the music combining the Festa Junina parties. Taking place in June, the event is an essential part of locals. The lyrics describe the privation of poor people in the society, like migration and drought. Nowadays, Forro has become a popular genre in the world, especially in Europe.

Música Popular Brasileira

Musica Popular Brasileira is a kind of pop music, combining instrumental music with singing. It is also common to perform in any circumstance.

Bossa nova

Bossa nova played an important role in the music industry in the 1950s and 1960s. This is also a combo music category among classic guitar, piano, acoustic bass. Today, it is a new pop genre between American jazz and samba.

Traditional dances

There is no denying that dance is a type of non-verbal communication for conveying human experiences and emotions. Brazil is a country of prominent dances containing different forms in the world such as Coco, Jongo, Samba, Lundu, etc.


Xote is a quintessential kind of Forro dance, which has different variations in Brazil. Mixing both European and African, Xote has a few things of mambo, rumba, and salsa. It relies on the area in the nation.




Jongo is also called caxambu and comes from the slaveries of Angola (African). The dance has a mix of samba and Jongo performances. Thus, all the steps of Jongo are quite familiar. A group of locals sings, dances, and plays together with simple instruments. Sometimes, they add Umbanda, another type of dancing in Africa, across their play.

Carioca Funk

Carioca Funk has its style. This is a combination of Miami bass and African style. Thus, it has a courageous sound and special lyrics about society's problems. Brazilians usually celebrate funk parties with baile funks and focus on hip movement.


Samba is the symbol art of Brazilians, especially in music and dancing. Quick footwork and flowing hips are two points in Samba. A couple moves their bodies with the beats of steel drums, making spectators a trance. Though it starts on the West Coast of Africa, this is the popular genre and dance in Brazil, typically in Rio de Janeiro.

Bumba Meu Boi

Bumba Meu Boi is a common name in the traditional dance list. It is a folklore tradition and celebrated in the North region. The best time to occur is summertime because this is the season to take place Festa Junina – June Festival.



Based on the story of a bull, he is dead and then resurrected later; locals were happy and danced. As a lively dance, the theatrical stage has lots of ornate costumes in circles.


Though Lundu comes from Africa, it is a widespread art of Brazilians in dance and music. Furthermore, it is a mix of samba and choro – a local style of music. The performance will now require a fast track. A couple can move slowly in a relaxed way.

Final Words

Brazil is truly the tourist destination of festivals. Not only locals but also travelers can attend any event depending on the season. Brazilians are also generous in their lifestyle, their culture, and so on.

Therefore, when it comes to the festivals, Brazil is always on the top of mind. Carnival, Rio’s festival, Virada Cultural Festival, etc. are a few popular examples. What is the Virada Cultural Festival?

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